SCF's Vision

Where there is no vision the people perish.


SCF’s Elders have diligently sought God for His specific vision and purpose for SCF.  We are inspired and excited by the adventure we discern God has for us.  He has revealed an overall vision for how we are to travel with Him and He has laid out specific areas that we are to focus on now.

God has given SCF a calling and a vision to be : ‘Holy Spirit Led, Relationally Centered, and Missionally Focused’

These three areas are expressed as.

Holy Spirit Led 

We are a people who put their hand into the hand of God and walk closely with Him wherever, whenever, and however the Holy Spirit leads.  This is worked out by.

    • Always living in submission to the Holy Spirit.
    • Facilitating times of flow in Him in our corporate times together.
    • Being conduits for the Holy Spirit to flow to others in our everyday lives.

Relationally Centred 

Growing as disciples of Jesus as we “do life together”.  We believe our Life Groups will become increasingly important in the life of SCF.  This is worked out by.

    • All our members belonging to a Life-Group, which is the primary place for relationships, discipleship, and mission.
    • Life-Group leaders facilitating growth both in members relationships with Christ and with one another.
    • Life-Groups being places where discipleship includes support for reaching people in our circles of influence with The Gospel.
    • Life Groups playing an important role in increasing numbers of people joining SCF, and that new groups will be added to meet this need.

Missionally Focused 

We actively engage in God’s mission to the world, to the point where it becomes part of our identity and informs our engagement.  This is worked out by

    • Each member understanding that they are ministers for Christ wherever they are.
    • Equipping one another in growing the Kingdom in our places of influence.
    • Making the church accessible to everyone in our attitudes and actions.


The Bridge
234 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3AG

Telephone: 0121 744 9235
