The Vision
To help our members grow in their relationship with God and see their passion for Christ increase so that they will see Christ’s influence during their daily lives.
Our Discipleship and pastoral ministry within SCF seeks to support people with teaching, fellowship and resources to enable individual and church growth in our Christian lives together.
How We Work
We run weekly groups for adult members of SCF (over18).
We meet in each other’s homes and our aim is to provide a small group community where people can share their faith, study and pray together as well as build deeper friendships through social activities.
As part of our support and care for our church community we have built up of a team of pastoral care volunteers, who are available to offer individual care to others where there is a specific need for either spiritual, emotional or practical support.
We have constructed a 7 stream flow of programmes and events that will support discipleship from first steps in Christian growth through to full maturity in Christ.
1. Sowing Seeds Discipleship Stream
Why am I here? Is there a God? Who is Jesus? Why do bad things happen? What islife all about?
We all have questions. Maybe you’re just curious about faith and Christianity.
Wherever you’re at, we’d like to get to know you. At Solihull Christian Fellowship, we believe God loves you and wants a personal relationship with you through his son, Jesus Christ. Want to know more?
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Would like some company or friendship
- Needs a safe place to come and talk
- Has questions about life
- Is curious about faith and the Christian message
- Wants to find out more about Christianity
- Would like to learn about who Jesus is
Groups such as Lively Hearts and Pass it On offer support in this area.
2. Germinating Seeds Discipleship Stream
Have you started to believe in Jesus but still have some unanswered questions? Perhaps you want to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus?
Whatever stage you’re at, no question is too small.
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
Has unanswered questions about Jesus and Christianity
Wants to discover who Jesus is through informal discussions and structured courses
Would like to understand what it means to make a commitment to become a Christian
Desires to know life in all its fulness through a relationship with Jesus
Courses such as Alpha are run on a regular basis for those who want to go further in their exploration of the Christian faith.
3. Nurturing Growth Discipleship Stream
Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Are you hungry to learn more about developing a relationship with Him? Do you want to know the joy and fulness of God in your life and deepen your understanding of the Holy Spirit?
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour
- Desires to build up in their own personal faith and knowledge
- Wants to learn more about how The Bible provides life and hope
- Would like to know how to live as a follower of Jesus and what that means for daily life
- Is hungry to learn more about the role of the Holy Spirit
Groups and Courses such as Bible Study groups and specific workshops that explore Spiritual gifts, Prayer and Worship.
4. Healthy Growth Discipleship Stream
Are there areas in your life where you feel stale or stuck? Do you have unresolved issues that are stopping you living the life Jesus wants you to live? Do you want an increased faith and confidence to share it?
Our focus is to support your growth as a disciple and help you identify any ‘weeds’ on your pathway. We will help you explore what it means to have a renewed mind and help you have confidence to share your faith.
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Is hungry for a deeper personal relationship with Jesus
- Would like to move on and progress in their Christian journey
- Wants support through prayer, mentoring and tailored courses to work through issues and challenges in their lives
- Is keen to bring about lasting change
- Desires to see the fruit of the Spirit in their own life and share their faith with others
Prayer Ministry is also available.
5. Growing Together Discipleship Stream
Do you want to draw closer to other followers of Jesus and grow together as His disciples? Do you enjoy the fellowship and sharpening that comes from shared discussions and deeper relationships with fellow believers?
We believe in being part of a family – living in unity as we journey together. We’re called to demonstrate love. And where there are disagreements, we aim to resolve them well.
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Wants to commit to sharing and learning with other believers on a regular basis
- Would like to share in the practical as well as spiritual outworking of faith with others
- Desires to know more about what it means to be an authentic Christian in today’s secular and pluralistic society
Courses and regular groups include: Home groups and Love Acceptance and Healing,
6. Bearing Much Fruit Discipleship Stream
Do you want to identify and develop your own unique set of gifts? Are you hungry to understand and put into practice the calling that God has placed on your life?
All living things grow and reproduce. Our goal is to help disciples identify and develop their own unique set of gifts and live out the calling that God has placed on their lives. Do you desire to see His kingdom established here on earth, just as Jesus prayed for?
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Wants to immerse themselves fully in the word of God for equipping the Church
- Has a strong desire to serve the Church and fellow disciples in leadership and mission
- Is wanting to do the will of God wherever that may lead and whatever the cost
7. Harvest Supper Discipleship Stream
Do you feel prepared to surrender everything to Jesus? Are you excited at the prospect of entering into the great banquet of heaven that He promises?
Growth finds its fulfilment in the harvest supper, here on earth. An eternal perspective will enable us to persevere during hardships and disappointments, giving us real hope and joyful anticipation for the prize that awaits us.
Groups in this stream are for anyone who:
- Is determined to follow Jesus no matter how great the cost
- Desires to fully understand the heavenly marriage feast and what it means to commit entirely to Christ
- Wants to go out and spread the Gospel of Jesus far and wide to bring more people into His kingdom
For more information see Overseas Mission.
The Bridge
234 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3AG
Telephone: 0121 744 9235