Meet the Team
At Solihull Christian Fellowship, we believe that God is the head of the Church and we take our lead from him. However, God has given gifts to different people in the body. SCF has a leadership structure made up of Elders and Deacons (Pastors). Both roles are appointed in the church and seen as Church Offices. Collectively, these two groups make up the Leadership of the church.
SCF’s Elders are called by God to have spiritual responsibility and oversight; they direct the church, and “shepherd the flock”;
SCF’s Pastors (Deacons) oversee our ministry areas and are responsible for the full development and growth of those areas.
SCF has established a “company limited by guarantee”. The Company is responsible for The Bridge & for employing our staff. A Board of Directors directs & manages the affairs of “the Company”.

Ben Lees
Lead Pastor & Elder

Andrea Lowndes
Associate Pastor & Elder

Craig Wood
Elder & Pastor

Berry Ho
Children's Worker Birth to Reception

Sally Hart
Children's Worker Reception to Year 6

Hoa Luong
Youth Support Worker

Liz Massey
Additional Needs Champion

Karen Beresford

Mable Melt
Finance Officer & Communications

Michelle Wilson-Davies
Safeguarding Officer

Kiran Kaur
Church Administrator
The Bridge
234 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3AG
Telephone: 0121 744 9235