by Lorna Wilson | Jun 19, 2019 | News
Solihull Christian Fellowship had a brilliant time celebrating Pentecost with Shirley Churches Together. With crafts, puppets, laughter, good food and even better company the Pentecost Picnic was a great way for the Body of Christ to unite and celebrate together in...
by Lorna Wilson | May 22, 2019 | News
We had a great evening on Friday the 7th of June with another Exploring Beauty and Faith evening. With good company, laughter, cheese, wine and nibbles we had a great time exploring what the Bible has to say about inner beauty, character and personality. Our next...
by Admin | May 22, 2019 | News
A great time was had by all at our Worship Team night out where bowling and a curry were the order of the day. There were some very close scores for the bowling though some debate over the use of bumpers…. However finishing off with a curry made for a great...
by Ben Lees | Apr 3, 2019 | News
Over the Easter holidays, we will be opening our doors for a packed afternoon of food, fun, crafts and games – all focused on the Easter story as outlined in The Holy Bible. Our weekly free community lunch is being extended to include activities for the whole...
by Ben Lees | Feb 27, 2019 | News
We had a great time on Sunday 17th February. Who would have known that it could be so hard to hit a ball with a big stick…. Of course it was all made easier by having ‘The Master’ Mark Flanagan (pictured right) on hand to give us some of his many...
by Ben Lees | Feb 25, 2019 | News
World Day of Prayer Friday 1 March, 10:30 am Shirley Baptist Church “Come – everything is ready” is the title for this service written by the women of Slovenia for the World Day of Prayer. As part of Shirley Churches Together we join with others...
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