Life Groups

We have a number of groups that run at different times during the day and in the evenings in the week – each having their own particular “flavour and passion”. However, central within the groups is the desire to encourage each other in our daily walk with the Lord through learning together, worship and prayer; building relationships and friendships to support each other through the good and the not so good times.

Steve & Becky Cordon

Rob & Jess Duguid

David & Maryln Morgan

Andrea Lowndes

Katy Luong & Tim Coleman

Sally Murcutt

Mable Melt

Glen & Suzie Duncan

Michelle Wilson-Davies

Ben & Claire Lees

Jess Cook

Doug Hill

Sue & Craig Wood


The Bridge
234 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3AG

Telephone: 0121 744 9235
