
SCF’s women’s ministry seeks to bring women together of all ages for fun and fellowship, encouragement and empowerment. Alongside weekly groups that are for those inside and outside the church we run various ad hoc evening and weekend events and an annual conference in the autumn.
SCF is committed to creating an environment which makes the Christian faith accessible to the average UK man, and church a place where they can belong, get involved, make a difference and have fun.

Older people play an important part in our church family across all areas and groups and enjoy different aspect of teaching and ministry as well as social times together.
Community Lunch
Join us every Wednesday from 12-1pm for a FREE hot cooked 2-course meal, followed by hot drinks from 1-2pm.

A group for passing on skills, learning new things and sharing friendship and life experience with others. Come and learn and try cooking, gardening, crafts and more.

Bereavement Course
Please contact us for details of our next course. We follow the Care For The Family Bereavement Support Course.
The Bridge
234 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3AG
Telephone: 0121 744 9235